Second grade students have just finished a unit on COOPERATION. We read Stone Soup and discussed the importance of being a "thinking of others" kid when working together. We spent time talking about when you think about making others' happy it gives you happiness, too (connection to bucket filling). Students took part in several different activities over a few weeks that allowed them to practice the skills needed to work as a team successfully. They were very engaged and really enjoyed it! After winter break we will start talking about bullying, what it is and is not, and how to handle bullying situations.
First grade classes have just finished up their unit on bullying.
Bullying is:
- Saying or doing mean or hurtful things to another person
- Repeated over time
- On purpose
- With someone not having equal power
We talked about how some of Kelso's Choices could be used, as well as, standing up for yourself and being a helpful bystander. It is important to talk to an adult to get some help in stopping the bullying behavior if it is happening.
In kindergarten we continue to think about how to calm down when feeling upset or excited so that good choices can be made. We are practicing how to solve common problems of kindergarteners.
Our steps are:
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